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Book Reviews: Constructive vs. Destructive

We authors have a love/hate relationship with book reviews. For independent authors, reviews are even more critical to the success of our books – reviews help get the word out about our work. Reviews not only assist potential readers in deciding whether or not they’d like to read a book, but they also help a book rank higher on sites such as Amazon. Once a book racks up 25 reviews, Amazon begins including a book in their “readers who bought this also bought” and “you might also like” features. If an author is fortunate enough to earn 50+ reviews, Amazon might feature the book in spotlight positions. As an independent author of lesbian fiction/romance novels, publishing a book is only half of the job – once a novel is published, I spend a great deal of my time marketing the book and trying my best to get readers to review. Case in point: I recently released two books within a week – After the Glitter Fades , a story of a closeted lesbian Hollywood actress, dropped as a paperbac

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